Spring, Allergies & Breastfeeding
Sneezing, headache, itchy throat and feeling all things allergies? I hear you!
Always discuss any medications (or herbals) with your Doctor and IBCLC before taking anything.
When selecting allergy medication stay away from the 'D' as in DECONGESTANT.
Generally preferred allergy medications while lactating Claritin (Loratadine), Zyrtex (Cetirizine), Allegra (Cetirizine). Eye drops typically compatible as well as nasal sprays or gels --->>check with your Doctor and IBCLC.
Need more details?
Scroll to antihistamines here to review non-sedating antihistamines https://kellymom.com/bf/can-i-breastfeed/meds/cold-remedy/
(easy read!) Over the Counter Medications https://lacted.org/iable-breastfeeding-education-handouts/counter-medications-breastfeeding/
Call Infant Risk #1 (806) 352-2519 or https://www.infantrisk.com/content/cold-and-flu-medications-while-breastfeeding or download their app MommyMeds
Check out my other post on breastfeeding and medications here:
Need an IBCLC? Happy to help! https://www.melaniemyersibclc.com/services