Breast Milk Supply COVID-19
Due to COVID-19 I've had more questions than usual from families about their milk supply.
This post will cover...
How Breast Milk Making Works
How Much Do You Need
Things To Try
COVID-19 & Breastfeeding
Milk Sharing
Support Options
Formula Prep
Medications & Mothers Milk
How Breast Milk Making Works:
(Truth bomb - its not by drinking blue gatorade, drinking waterfalls of water or eating dozens of lactation cookies)
How much milk do I need?
Things to Try
Breast Compressions!
Hand Expression works for all kinds of reasons including when you don't have a pump and/or to stimulate and express more milk
Have you tried power pumping? It mimics a cluster feeding (baby nurses off/on and all that breast stimulation and milk removal drives milk supply up!). Pump for 20, rest for 10, pump for 10, rest for 10, pump for 10 or any variation of this works. Pick a time of day, put on a tv show and start pumping! No quick fixes, try it for a few days and expect gradual increases in milk output.
Don't forget to use your "hands on pumping" technique!
Maybe you didn't think breastfeeding or pumping was for you or you did for a bit but stopped and are now thinking about it? It's called relactation You can recreate the birth (lots of skin to skin, warm water) and work through these tips a great video
Stressing doesn't help milk production. Me telling you to not stress doesn't help either.
Talk it out, write it down, let it go, breathe. You're doing your best - you are, keep going.
Breastfeeding Meditation
(I have nothing to disclose but client's have found the resources helpful).
Need a support group?
Need to talk?
Postpartum Support International
(general support, warm line, see below for emergency info) PSI Helpline: 1-800-944-4773 #1 En Espanol or #2 English OR TEXT: 503-894-9453 ******* More serious? 1-800-273-8255 Crisis text line - text TALK to 741741 or call 911
COVID-19 & Breastfeeding:
What about Milk Sharing?
Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine on Milk Sharing
There are many IBCLC's, support groups etc available to help you!
I offer Virtual Lactation Consults to anyone in the USA -
Don't forget to search for your local IBCLC, La Leche League, Breastfeeding USA and WIC.
Formula Preparation
Don't forget to use Paced Bottle Feeding when using formula or expressed breast milk!
Medications and Mothers Milk
Are you expecting or know someone who is?
FREE Breastfeeding Class:
FREE Infographic:
Need one on one help? I offer Virtual Lactation Consults to anyone in the USA.
Likely HSA/FSA eligible, call your insurance!
Be well and we will get through this!
Melanie Myers, IBCLC
International Board Certified Lactation Consultant