The Latch Matters
Latch problems? Here are a few things to try...
Skin to skin - yes! let baby be, hand express and offer drops of milk to baby from your clean finger.
Breast crawl! Enjoy being skin to skin vs focused on latching baby
Let baby latch (self attachment) and begin breastfeeding
Repeat and practice
Feel like you need to do more? Deep latch technique video
Still having problems?
This is what International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) do!
We assess you and your baby, educate on your specific situation, show you how to make it work and help you meet your goals! Whatever that looks like for your family - we all have different scenarios and thats more than ok. There is no one size fits all feeding plan ;).
How can I help you in your breastfeeding journey?
In-Home (Central PA) and Virtual Lactation Consults