Virtual Lactation Consults
Virtual Lactation Consults - Get the breastfeeding help you need! Virtual Breastfeeding Consults in the comfort of your own home.
Are you using a nipple shield and/or came home from the Hospital with a nipple shield? My hope is your were... Sized appropriately for...
Common Reasons to See an IBCLC
Common Reasons to See an IBCLC
Breastfeeding FREEBIE
FREEBIE Breastfeeding -1st 3 Days of Life
Mastitis - what it is and what to do about it.
Breast Pump Flange Fit
What breast pump you pick and your flange fit is very individual.You can also expect it to change. Excellent video!
Need a Lactation Consultant? Melanie Myers, IBCLC
Need a Lactation Consultant but don't know what to expect? That's exactly what this post is about!
Breast Compression - What?
What is a breast compression and when is it useful?
Breastfeeding and Medication
Breastfeeding and Medication - I've pulled together a go-to list of resources.
The Latch Matters
Latch problems? Here are a few things to try... Skin to skin - yes! let baby be, hand express and offer drops of milk to baby from your...